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Conflicting Forces


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Conflicting Forces
latest news
Studio Information
Jackie Warren
My studio is in a secure building. If you would like to stop by, just call and I will come down to let you in
913-269-7624 (Jackie's Cell)
(Above the Leedy-Voulkos
Art Gallery, 2nd floor)
I share studio space with 4 other artists. Our studio is called
Studio Above
Check back for dates of the next First Friday opening!
opening hours
Studio Above
is open by appointment only. The studio is a working
studio/gallery with five resident artists.
Open on select First Fridays.
Ribbon Candy
New acrylic work
Pieces of acrylic are painted on reverse, then heated and bent to a desired form.

Side view of Ribbon
Candy acrylic pieces.
Prices range from $50.

These have been installed at the Kansas City International Airport new 'Escape Lounge' opening in 2025.
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